1. Gilded Knowledge Base

What are the details of the KYC/AML, or Identification, process?

As noted in the FAQ What is the Gilded KYC/AML, or Identification, process”, Gilded’s Identification process is designed to prevent such activities as money-laundering, terrorist financing and financial crime through the gathering, analysis and evaluation of personal information about our customers. When you register for an account and attempt to make your first gold purchase you will be prompted to upload a current government-issued identification card or license and to take a video selfie. We have engaged multiple service providers who provide the tools for analyzing and evaluating you and the information you have provided. There is no fee charged for this review and it is typically completed in minutes.

If you successfully pass through the Identification process you may move forward with your first gold purchase. If you fail the process you will be notified – we suggest you contact gilded.support@gildedco.com for assistance if this occurs. Those who pass the process and build a larger gold position, in excess of 100 grams, will be asked to provide additional information – this process is similarly straightforward to that applied initially and should typically be completed quickly.

In certain circumstances we may report to the relevant authorities those applicants whose information raises material money-laundering, terrorist financing or other concerns.