Are there other fees charged through the Gilded Offering?

As noted in the FAQ “How are buys and sells priced through the Gilded Offering”, associated fees are disclosed before you confirm your transaction.

There are three other areas of fees, which may not apply to a given customer. First, storage fees, but those are waived currently and will not be charged without at least 30-day notice. Second, “bank-out” fees, which, as noted in the FAQ “How do I receive my sale proceeds”, are charged when you have funds wired from your Available Accounts Balance to your bank. These bank-out fees are displayed on the Gilded App screen prior to confirming the transfer, and your bank may charge an additional fee.  Third, we charge fees in limited circumstances for one-off services that we do not expect most customers to avail themselves of. These are described in the Gilded Terms & Conditions.